Excessive Gum Bleeding

Same-Day Emergency Dental Services
A same-day emergency dental service is designed to provide immediate care and relief for patients experiencing dental hygiene or other urgent dental issues. We are proud to offer dental extraction and prompt care to any patients experiencing dental discomfort.
What do I do if my gums are bleeding?
Gently brush and floss to remove plaque buildup, rinse with salt water, and avoid irritating foods. If bleeding persists, check for symptoms of underlying conditions and consult a dentist.
What are 4 causes of gum bleeding?
Common causes include gingivitis, improper brushing or flossing, certain medications, and nutritional deficiencies.
Is bleeding gums serious?
Occasional bleeding may not be serious, but persistent bleeding can indicate gingivitis or other health concerns that require professional evaluation.
Do bleeding gums always mean infection?
No, bleeding gums can also result from factors like mouth ulcers, hormonal changes, or even serious conditions like leukemia in rare cases.