Pain from a wisdom tooth can be a nasty and sometimes debilitating experience. Wisdom teeth, or third molars, the last set of molars to develop, usually do between the ages of 17 and 25. Aching, swelling, infection, and intense pain can occur when these teeth lack enough space to erupt correctly. Luckily, home remedies and medical interventions can help relieve the pain. If you’re wondering how to reduce wisdom tooth pain, there are several effective methods, including cold compresses, saltwater rinses, and over-the-counter pain relievers. This blog will cover what causes wisdom tooth pain, home remedies to ease the pain, and when to see a dentist.

Causes Of Wisdom Tooth Pain 

Knowing its cause is important because it is the key to treating pain from wisdom teeth. The source of the pain is often pressure, infection, or inflammation. You can observe the tooth to see the main issue, but you must visit a healthcare provider for a better assessment. 

Common Reasons For Pain And Swelling

Wisdom tooth pain can occur for several reasons, most commonly from eruption pain, as the teeth tend to push through the gums, especially if not properly aligned. This process can cause the affected area to swell and become painful. In addition, because wisdom teeth create tiny openings in the gum, food and bacteria can easily be trapped, leading to gum inflammation. This frequently results in pericoronitis, a gum-tissue infection. One of the common symptoms seen during wisdom tooth infection is swelling. This may cause gums, face, or jaw swelling, making it hard to open the mouth. 

How to Reduce Wisdom Tooth Pain

When Wisdom Teeth Become Impacted 

Wisdom teeth can be impacted if they do not have enough room to come in or grow at an angle. Impacted teeth will trap food debris and bacteria, resulting in infection and, ultimately, more pain. They can also exert pressure and bite on neighboring teeth, which may lead to pain and issues with alignment. In severe cases, they can lead to cysts or damage roots of nearby teeth and must be taken care of as soon as possible.

Effective Home Remedies For Pain Relief 

Home remedies can provide soothing relief for mild to moderate pain. They can also help decrease inflammation, combat infection, and temporarily ease soothing wisdom tooth pain.

Cold And Warm Compress Therapy 

Compresses are an easy way to relieve some of the pain and swelling caused by wisdom teeth. Cold compress: Wrap a few ice cubes in a towel and apply to the affected area for 15-20 minutes. Apply cold  , which helps numb the area and reduce swelling. A warm towel applied after a cold compress to the jaw boosts blood circulation, relieving pain and facilitating recovery. Applying cold and warm compresses alternatively (15 minutes each, every time) can bring about substantial pain relief and swelling reduction.

Saltwater And Herbal Rinses

Mouth rinses may help to decrease bacteria and relieve pain related to problems with wisdom teeth. A saltwater rinse simply mixes a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and swishes the solution in the mouth for 30 seconds. 

Antibacterial Benefits Of Saltwater 

Saltwater has anti-bacterial qualities, kills bacteria, and has soothing effects on inflamed gums while encouraging healing. 

Herbal Rinses (Clove, Chamomile) 

Herbal rinses, such as those with clove or chamomile, can also be beneficial. Clove has a natural analgesic property, while chamomile helps reduce inflammation. Brewing a gentle herbal tea, cooling it down, and using it as a rinse can lessen discomfort and promote oral health.

Medical Treatments For Severe Pain 

You may want treatments from a doctor if home remedies don’t work. You’ll receive the proper treatment and pain management from a dental professional.

Over-The-Counter Pain Relievers 

Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including ibuprofen and aspirin, may help reduce inflammation and are effective for wisdom teeth pain. Also, topical gels with benzocaine can be relieved temporarily by application directly to the gums. However, these gels can only be applied under careful monitoring by a dentist to prevent potential side effects.

When To Consider Wisdom Tooth Extraction

In some cases where home remedies or medication alone cannot manage wisdom tooth pain, dentist intervention is necessary. Recommended for Extraction: If repeated infections (like pericoronitis) are common, a dentist recommends the extraction be done to prevent complications. Severe impaction, in which the wisdom teeth cause intense pain, misalignment, or damage to other teeth, may also require extraction. A dentist should evaluate ongoing pain and swelling that does not respond to conservative measures to see if dental extraction is necessary.

Preventing Wisdom Tooth Pain

Not all wisdom tooth pain is preventable, but good oral hygiene can lower the risk of complications. Keeping your wisdom teeth and gums healthy involves brushing twice daily, flossing, visiting your dentist for check-ups, and avoiding sticky or hard foods. Preventive and therapeutic care helps stave off pain and improve oral health.

how to reduce wisdom tooth pain

How To Apply For Pain Relief 

Suppose the pain caused by a wisdom tooth is severe or persistent and accompanied by fever, difficulty swallowing, or a foul taste in the mouth. In that case, it is essential to see a dentist immediately. All of these could be symptoms of a wisdom tooth infection or some other serious tooth problem that needs to be addressed by a dentist. Prompt diagnosis and treatment may help avoid complications and optimize pain control.

Pain TypeHome RemedyMedical OptionWhen to See a DentistPreventive Tip
Eruption PainSaltwater RinseIbuprofenPersistent SwellingRegular Brushing
Gum InflammationClove RinseBenzocaine GelInfection SymptomsFlossing Daily
Wisdom Tooth SwellingCold CompressNSAIDsDifficulty SwallowingAvoid Hard Foods
Impacted TeethWarm CompressTooth ExtractionSevere PainDental Check-ups
InfectionHerbal RinseAntibioticsFever or Bad TasteMouth Rinse Use


The pain caused by wisdom teeth can go from slight discomfort to severe pain that disrupts everyday activity. At the same time, home remedies like cold or warm compresses, salt water rinses, and herbal treatments are often employed for temporary relief. However, in cases of acute pain, infections, or impacted wisdom teeth, it is typically necessary to seek professional dental care. At Dental Faith, we know how to combat wisdom teeth, offering advice on alleviating the pain at home and what to do if you need a professional to extract them painlessly. There is no need to let wisdom tooth pain interfere with your life. Give us a call today, and we can find a solution that is silver for you. Find relief from wisdom tooth pain and expect a healthy mouth at Our website or schedule an appointment now.


What causes wisdom tooth pain? 

Wisdom tooth pain is mainly triggered by impaction, infection, gum inflammation, or overcrowded teeth that push against the gums or grow at an angle.

What are the best home remedies for wisdom tooth pain? 

The most effective home remedies are saltwater rinses, which have been shown to neutralize the pH levels in the tissues and reduce swelling and inflammation; cold (to reduce swelling) and warm (to increase circulation) compresses; and holistic herbal rinses of clove or chamomile for pain relief for wisdom teeth.

How long does wisdom tooth pain last?

Many experience toothache that lasts a few days to a couple of weeks due to latent wisdom teeth. Persistent pain may indicate a need for dental assessment.

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